The Club holds formal and informal events for OMs in the UK and overseas
The dates and venue for all Club events are shown in the Club’s calendar.
Each year the Club organises over 30 events culminating in its flagship Annual Dinner. This is a black-tie affair at a prestigious Central London venue at which the new President is inaugurated.
The Foundation welcomes OMs back to the school on Old Millhillians Day. This event now takes place in late June.
A summer Cocktail party takes place after the AGM in early June.
Professional Networking events, often with speakers, are organised for Old Millhillians pursuing specific career paths.
Event Ambassadors organise UK social reunions in Wales, East Anglia, South West and Northern and overseas reunions in New York, Toronto, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Auckland, Dubai, Singapore, Cape Town and Hong Kong.
YOMs Ambassadors organise events specially for Young Old Millhillians, including pop-up events for students in pubs in University towns and 5, 10 and 15 year reunions.